Tuesday, January 02, 2007

I start on my OWN terms, Mr. New Year!

What the fuck's up, fat bitches? I planned on reblogifying my life come the New Year, but figured an entry on the first would be too cliche. Ergo, I'm blogging it up on the SECOND day of the New Year. There has to be a metaphor for my life in there somewhere. Oh well. I'll probably figure it out in a few days...

This is mostly just an entry in order to inform the clamoring-public (Joey, my younger brother... I don't know, I think one of his friends?) that I'm going to pick up right where I left off, with a few minor changes:

1) I no longer drink. The result of this will be relatively less funny. The absolute change may be immeasurable, however, as a 40% change applied to 1.5 joules of funny is probably invisible to the naked eye.

2) More lists. When I was younger, that was my bread and butter. My AIM profile was constantly being updated with a new list, usually in the form of "Reasons I Have Decided to Stab My Eyes Out of My Head," or "Porn Stars I Can No Longer Watch." Etc.

3) I'm going to start including a little poker, I think.

4) I'm going to post more pictures. Especially the picture of SeriousCat. I'll track that down tomorrow and post it

With the exception of #3, expect all of the above changes starting tomorrow.

Wamp Wamp,

The Trillest


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wamp Wamp

9:07 AM  
Blogger Dutch said...

I think the love of lists is pretty common amongst people like us who need to figure out ways to fill space, even though our "creativity" almost only exists reactionarily; it allows us to list stupid shit, then sort of "respond" to it with after-thoughts and whatnot. At least for me, anyway.

Also, PLEASE don't include more poker. I'm not interested. If I wanted to read tech shit, I'd be somewhere else. And, as I've been stating for like two days, the only thing remotely funny to come out of poker is ROUNDER: HAVANA NIGHTS, which I wrote, if that tells you how unamusing the subject is.

I'll post my resolutions later, prolly.

2:38 AM  
Blogger TheCinciKid said...

"I no longer drink."

There has to be some sort of story or something behind this. Are you attending AA meetings now also?

9:56 AM  

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