Thursday, January 04, 2007


Dutch said...

I think the love of lists is pretty common amongst people like us who need to figure out ways to fill space, even though our "creativity" almost only exists reactionarily; it allows us to list stupid shit, then sort of "respond" to it with after-thoughts and whatnot. At least for me, anyway.

That's pretty much it. Also- in the "lists as reactionary humor" vein- I generally find myself making lists in response to someone or something. Like, "Reasons I, Shimmering Wang, hate you, the kid in front of me at Rite Aid" or "Ten Things I hate about the premise for Michael Bay's new movie, and, furthermore, Ten Things more likely than Shimmering Wang seeing it in the theater." Stuff like that. Instead of being uniquely creative (or humorously funny), I just take whatever most recently happened to me that I remember thinking about, and list whatever pops into my head. Or, failing that, whatever reusable joke I feel I haven't leaned on too heavily in the past weeks.

And that's it. No genuine creativity necessary. Just pop in a few hypothetical situations, maybe add some dialogue and hokey stage direction (masquerading as "imagery"), and (pantomines brushing dirt from hands) that's all he wrote.

Tomorrow: Things I wish I'd accomplished, so my mom would get off my back. (<--- Fake dialogue, here I come)


Blogger Dutch said...

I'm looking forward to it.

I may or may not complete that New Years opus I started yeasterday, tommorrow. One of these days I'm actually going to write something good again. I've lost my muse, what with not live near my idiot brother's teenage friends, and with my actual pledge to never watch TV again (it doesn't count if I use bit torrent).

11:22 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

If I were to do a Top Ten Reasons to Read Shimmering Wang's Thread list, #1 and #2 would almost certainly be fake dialogue and lists.

(I like that I can comment on your blog now with an actual identity rather than being an anonymous reader.)

2:45 PM  
Blogger Derek said...

Otter said...

"If I were to do a Top Ten Reasons to Read Shimmering Wang's Thread list, #1 and #2 would almost certainly be fake dialogue and lists.

(I like that I can comment on your blog now with an actual identity rather than being an anonymous reader.)"

Well, good sir, it's lovely to have you. I'm going to a basketball game for the little faggot/brother against their archrivals in a few minutes (I'll be the guy in the stands sneezing on the woman with big hair in front of me), and should have a tentative list of hypothetical trump cards to play on my mother by then, since they'll be out of it by halftime.

2:47 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

That should be blog, not thread. I was reminiscing about the classic Shimmering Wang threads while typing.

2:48 PM  
Blogger Derek said...

This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

10:22 PM  
Blogger Nick said...

 This is so cool..thanks so much for the info. Love it! 

3:15 AM  

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