Tuesday, May 30, 2006

Not ALL Southern People Suck

The following is a series of exceprts from the most recent BLOGtastic BLOG entry from a www.thedutchfactor.blogspot.com , DirtyDutch's blog. I thought it was too funny to pass up, and I'm too hot, tired, and drunk to post anything original. Enjoy. Or don't. Fuck off, either way.

"Why are any of you still using Blogspot? You want to be on Myspace. Keeping up with your blog is pretty much optional; no one has even a little content. And there are plenty of spinning, flashy things to amuse you. Myspace takes the work out of proving that you're illiterate."

"...Why does everyone think that we like having to copy and paste their text into a word document, just to be able to read it? If you can't figure out on your own that a huge, multi-color, pictorial wallpaper makes it hard to read, then perhaps you can draw your conclusion from the print industry. Have you ever read a book thats' text was printed over old Big Lots ad circulars? Even though most of you don't read books, I'm sure a few of you played Splinter Cell, and decided that you'd try to bang out a couple of those Clancy dirges, or something..."

"...at least a few of you are willing to sacrifice the only medium with which you're able to display your love of Death Cab for Cutie, for the sake legibility. No one does, on Myspace."


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