Thursday, May 25, 2006

I'm going to force myself to post as frequently as possible, at least for the first few weeks. If I don't, this hobby will go the route of rock collecting and crystal building.

I was watching television and I randomly thought of the Tetris spinoff "Hatris." It was kinda like Tetris, except you were stacking up bowlers and fedoras and 12 gallon hats and shit. It was probably the worst game ever.

Also, I forgot a quick story from Tuesday night:

I was playing beer pong with my buddy Chris. He's a professional card player, and a professional winner, so when we dropped back-to-back games to the same team, he became furious. After we lost the third, he busted out $50 bucks, slapped it on the table, and said, "We're playing this game for $50 bucks."

The opposition smirked, and the doofier looking one said "Oh really? Well, that's just not worth my time, son. I'll only play you guys if it's $50 bucks EACH!"

Without missing a beat, he pulled a second fifty out of his wallet and slammed it on the table.

The doofus gulped and said, " have a gambling problem." They refused to play us anymore, and we counted that as a moral victory. They might have whooped our asses from here to Cleveland, but when it came down to it, they're massive pussies. Score, bitches.


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